Submissions update

Hi! It’s been a few months now since we closed our submissions window, and we wanted to share an update. Short version: we’re still reading! 

Long version: we received far more submissions that we’d expected during our first public period. While this has been great for our TBR piles, it’s been less so for our turnaround time. We appreciate the care put into the submissions we received and want to show authors the same care in reviewing their work. This means it is taking us longer than we wanted to finish reading and finalize our decisions. 

Building a company from scratch takes an enormous amount of time and effort. There has been a lot of necessary behind-the-scenes set-up work taking place, and that has that has limited the time we can spend attending to our open submissions. We acquired our fall 2024 list via solicitation, and what we’re reading now is being considered for publication in 2025 and beyond.

The slush pile remains an industry quandary, and while we’re trying our best, we haven’t yet figured out the solution to long wait times. All three of us are fast readers, but the fact remains that going through hundreds of manuscripts just takes time. 

We have set a goal to respond to all submissions we’ve received by the end of June 2024; if that shifts, we’ll keep you posted. A reminder that we do allow simultaneous submissions, and that if you’d like to withdraw your manuscript from consideration, we’re just an email away. 

In the meantime, we want to extend a big thanks for your patience and support. 
Team Assembly


Class of Fall 2024